"So long as there are veterans, the benevolent and protective order of ELKS will never forget them. The Elks National Veterans Service Commission takes that pledge one step further, and promises service to our nation's veterans and military members, with a special focus on service to those in need."
Since 1868, the Elks have been part of your community. Since World War II, when we formed the Elks War Relief Commission, we've made it our mission to serve this nation's veterans and military members. In 1946, we officially became the Elks National Veterans Service Commission.
Today, our volunteers provide direct service to over 1000 veterans in multiple VA homes in New Jersey. Through grants to Elks Lodges, we connect with veterans and military members in their communities, providing them with services where they live. We help veterans rehabilitate and thrive through adaptive sports programs and therapy kits.
Our Welcome Home initiative is reaching out to out vulnerable veterans, who are experiencing homelessness, and with the connection from HUD VASH at Lyons VA, Philadelphia VA, Delaware VA and other veteran service organizations, assist veterans who are moving into their own apartments.
For more information on any New Jersey National Veterans Service Commission (NJELKSNVSC) programs, please visit the Programs page.
Always remember Elks don't just talk, Elks act, and we have been acting to serve veterans for more than 100 years.